Using the MEDrefer Manager App - Specialists & Allied Health

medrefer manager pm.PNG

  There are 6 tiles to the Specialists and Allied Health
  MEDrefer Manager App:

  1. Decision Support (Still To Come)
  2. Create Referral
  3. Accept A Referral
  4. Find Referrals
  5. Patient Discharge
  6. Update Availability


Image_-_Arrow.JPG 2. Create Referral

  1. Ensure patient file is open.
  2. Open MEDrefer Manager, and click the Create Referral tab.


  1. If your MEDrefer profile lists you as practicing a more than one site, a pop-up will request you select the site you are currently working at.


If you are only listed as practising at one site, you will be taken straight to the Begin Recipient Search screen.


In the box under Service/Criteria, enter the practitioner name or specialty/sub-specialty and in the box under location type the location you would like to search. Click Search.

  1. Results of the search will appear in the order of distance from your entered search location. If you need to change your search parameters, you can do so by changing the details on the left and clicking Search again.


Each listing will show the practitioners name, their discipline(s), the languages they speak, number special interests/sub-specialties (which can be seen by hovering the mouse cursor over Special Interests), their location (Suburb) and the distance from your entered location.

  1. Once you have decided who to send the referral to click the Send Referral tab to launch the attached referral template.


  1. A pop-up screen will initiate contact with your eMR.


Once that contact has been completed, the referral template will appear in the pop-up screen with patient data automatically entered in certain fields.


  1. Check the data entered is relevant to the referral – add or remove data as necessary.
  2. Check that all the fields with a red asterisks (*) has an entry – the referral will not send while these fields are blank.
  3. Once the referral has all the necessary data and fields entered, click the red Next: Confirm and Send button at the top right corner of the screen.


  1. A draft version of the referral will appear in the screen. Patient details, your details as Referring Doctor and Recipient details will appear on the left of the referral letter.


If you wish to make changes to the referral, click the grey edit icon next to the grey Draft icon. You will return to the edit screen.


Once your changes have been made, click the red Next: Confirm and Send button again.

  1. Once the referral letter reads to your satisfaction, click the red Send Referral button at the top right corner of the screen.


  1. The referral certificate will replace the template screen. The certificate and/or the referral letter can be printed for the patient. The unique Referral Certificate Code is the link between the patient, the referral letter and the receiving practitioner.


Image_-_Arrow.JPG 3. Accept a Referral

  1. When a referral is created, you will receive an email with a unique Referral Code included.


  1. Opening up MEDrefer Manager, click on the Accept a Referral tile.


  1. Enter the referral code in the text box, then click Review Referral Summary.


  1. The details of the referral (referring GP, date issued, patient name, and referral summary), will appear. An appointment drop-down box allows you to enter an appointment date and time or you can tick the box to enter one later.


Alternatively, you can also reject the referral, by clicking the Reject tab. An entry in the text box asking for reason will change the Reject button from Grey to Blue. A notice of rejection and the reason entered will automatically be sent back to the issuing GP.


  1. The accepted referral letter will download to the location and in the format specified during setup.


A copy will also appear in the MEDrefer Manager window. The tabs with patient details, Issuing GP details and Accepting practitioner details all contain contact details for quick and easy reference.


  1. The blue buttons at the bottom of the MEDrefer Manager window can be used to update the referring GP of events as they happen:
8a_-_Download_Referral_icon.JPG Click this button to download the referral again or to view the referral online via the website. If a clinical report is sent via MEDrefer, a copy of that can also be downloaded or printed from here.
8b_-_Reverse_Referral_icon.JPG Click this button to reverse or reject the referral. A text box asking for a reason for reversal/rejection will appear. An email will be sent to the referring GP letting them know the referral has been rejected.
8c_-_Did_Not_Attend_icon.JPG Click this button to inform the referring GP the patient did not attend the appointment and did not contact to renew appointment date.
8d_-_Send_Report_icon.JPG Click this button to send a clinical report or detailed message to the referring GP. Replies can be sent via several methods including Argus, Medical Director, Referral Net, Email and Fax. 


Image_-_Arrow.JPG 4. Find Referrals

  1. Click on the Find Referral tile.


  1. Choose to search either by referral code or by a date.

If searching by referral code, type in the referral code and click Find. If searching by date, enter a date to search from, then click Find. The referral/s matching your search request will show in the window. Select the referral to view, then click View Details.


N.B. Please note a referral can only be searched for by date if the appointment date has already passed.

  1. The referral letter will appear in the window box. The appointment date and time will show at the top of the letter, under the tabs which list Patient details, issuing GPs details and the listed details for the accepting specialist. Status update buttons are at the bottom.


8a_-_Download_Referral_icon.JPG Click this button to download the referral again or to view the referral online via the website. If a clinical report is sent via MEDrefer, a copy of that can also be downloaded or printed from here.
8b_-_Reverse_Referral_icon.JPG Click this button to reverse or reject the referral. A text box asking for a reason for reversal/rejection will appear. An email will be sent to the referring GP letting them know the referral has been rejected.
8c_-_Did_Not_Attend_icon.JPG Click this button to inform the referring GP the patient did not attend the appointment and did not contact to renew appointment date.
8d_-_Send_Report_icon.JPG Click this button to send a clinical report or detailed message to the referring GP. Replies can be sent via several methods including Argus, Medical Director, Referral Net, Email and Fax. 


Image_-_Arrow.JPG 5. Patient Discharge

This feature is used to send reports back to the referring GP and therefore can only be used for referrals that have passed their appointment date. To search for other referrals see Point 4 Find Referrals (above).



Image_-_Arrow.JPG 6. Update Availability

Practitioners can set their availability so that GPs know beforehand how long a patient would generally have to wait for an appointment if their patient was sent to them as well as let them know when an appointment time is free for an urgent case. This can be useful for booked time off or particularly busy periods as well as filling in any gaps in your schedule.

  1. Click on the Update Availability tile.


  1. Your practitioners currently set availability will be listed with a drop-down box available to change to the new availability.


  1. The availability can be set to a specific date or an approximate time period (e.g. 2 weeks, 3 months etc.). Once the availability has been updated, click Update Availability.



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