Send a Report or Notifications to Referring Practitioner

Once an appointment date has passed,  you'll receive an email, asking you to update the outcomes of the appointment in one of 4 ways. 


1. Sending a Report

If the patient attended the appointment, you'll be asked to notify the referring GP with a report. 

You can send the entire report in the report box, or you can notify the GP that the report has been sent via a different method. 


2. Change of Appointment Time

If the patient's appointment time has changed, you can use the Move Appointment button to change the appointment to a future time.  


3. Patient did not attend

If the patient did not attend the appointment, you can use the No Show button to reverse the referral and notify the GP. 

NOTE: This will unaccept the referral. If you do wish to book another appointment for the patient, use the Move Appointment option or re-accept the referral again and input a new appointment time. 


4. Cancellation of Appointment

If the patient has cancelled the appointment, you can use the Cancel / Reverse button to notify the referring GP.

NOTE: This will unaccept the referral. If you do wish to book another appointment for the patient, use the Move Appointment option or re-accept the referral again and input a new appointment time. 



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