Creating Favourites in MEDrefer Manager

  1. Open MEDrefer Manager, and click the Create Referral tab.
  2. If your MEDrefer profile lists you as practicing a more than one site, a pop-up will request you select the site you are currently working at.
    If you are only listed as practicing at one site, you will be taken straight to the Begin Recipient Search screen.
    In the box under Service/Criteria, enter the practitioner name or specialty/sub-specialty or practice name, and in the box under Location type the location or postcode you would like to search. Then Click Search.
  3. Results of the search will appear in the order of distance from your entered search location. If you need to change your search parameters, you can do so by changing the details on the left and clicking Search again.

    Each listing will show the practitioner's name, their discipline(s), the languages they speak, the number of special interests/sub-specialties (which can be seen by hovering the mouse cursor over Special Interests), their location (Suburb) and the distance from your entered location.
  4. Click on the Add to Favorites button to save them to your saved contacts
  5. Click on start search again.
  6. You can now be able to see the favorites listed as saved contacts on your search page.
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